Working in Marketing Automation, I spend a lot of my time in Salesforce Marketing Cloud creating API integrations to push and pull data from various sources.
Writing these calls from scratch or copying bespoke code from previous solutions can be messy, so to save time I created a boilerplate of the basic OAuth 2.0 GetToken request process in AMPScript and SSJS that was easily editable for my purposes.
TL;DR. Here’s the codes!
AMPScript OAuth 2.0 using the V2 Token Endpoint:
VAR @httppost,@authurl,@apiid,@apistatusCode,@apiresponse,@apitoken
SET @apiid = '{"client_id": "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz","client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "grant_type": "client_credentials"}'
SET @authurl = "";
SET @httppost = HTTPPost2(@authurl,"application/json",@apiid,false,@apistatusCode,@apiresponse)
SET @access_token = REGEXMATCH(@apistatusCode,'^(?:.*"access_token":")(.*?)(?:".*)$',1)
SET @rest_instance_url = REGEXMATCH(@apistatusCode,'^(?:.*"rest_instance_url":")(.*?)(?:".*)$',1)
access_token: %%=v(@access_token)=%% <br>
rest_instance_url: %%=v(@rest_instance_url)=%% <br>
apistatusCode: %%=v(@apistatusCode)=%% <br>
The Access Token can be retrieved using @access_token. Since the API response is in JSON – a data structure not supported by AMPScript – we need to use other string functions to extract the value we need, but more on that later.
SSJS OAuth 2.0 using the V2 Token Endpoint:
<script runat="server">
var payload = {
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
"client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
var authurl = "";
var result = HTTP.Post(authurl, 'application/json', Stringify(payload));
if (result.StatusCode == 200) {
var responseJson = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(result.Response[0]);
var accessToken = responseJson.access_token;
var restUrl = responseJson.rest_instance_url;
} else {
throw new Error("Error fetching access token");
Write(result.Response[0]); //payload response
Write(accessToken); //token
Luckily Server Side JavaScript is able to parse JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), so the “access_token” value can be referenced and stored in the variable “accessToken” for later use.
Parsing JSON Values in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
If you work with API endpoints you’ll be familiar with the XML and JSON content types. JSON took the most-popular content-type throne from XML in around 2013 and has been the dominant format ever since. As of February 2020 there is still no AMPScript-only solution for parsing JSON values in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, so we need to employ other tools to extract the values we need.
Below is an Example JSON Response of the V2 Token Endpoint from earlier:
"scope": "email_read email_write email_send"
In the example above, we could use a SubString function to extract the specific character index range that we need for the token. In this example, it’s character 17 through 529; or from character 17 for a length of 512 characters, written as: %%=Substring(@response,17,512)=%%
in AMPScript.
SubString works well so long as the response payload doesn’t change in any way, however by default JSON is an unordered set of name/value pairs, so even though Salesforce does preserve object orders, we shouldn’t rely on it.
RegEx is the most reliable way to extract a string value from a JSON payload in AMPScript. I cover this topic in more detail here: RegEx to get JSON values in AMPScript
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